How to make Gluten-Free Croissant

Step 1

Combine flour, yeast, xanthan gum, a pinch of salt, maple, milk, and ​one egg in a bowl. Work all into a smooth and slightly sticky dough.

Step 2

Let the dough to prove wrapped in cling film for one hour and then put it in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Step 3

Spread the butter between two sheets of baking paper to a 5 mm thick rectangle. Then, leave it to chill in the fridge.

Step 4

Now, roll the dough into a large rectangle and transfer the flattened butter in the centre. Pack the dough like a parcel, folding the edges over the butter.

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Step 5

Then, fold in half and roll it to a long rectangle so that the butter gets pushed between the dough layers.

Step 6

Fold the bottom and the top thirds over the centre, like a letter. Flatten it back into a rectangle, and chill for 30 minutes. Repeat this step twice.

Step 7

Thinly roll the dough, cut it into 5 x 11 inches triangles, and roll them into a croissant. Wrap in film and prove for 2 hours in the fridge.

Step 8

Make an egg wash beating one egg with one tablespoon of milk and brush it over the croissants.

Step 9

Bake the croissants for 25 minutes at 190°C (375°F).

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