How to make Peanut Butter Mochi

Step 1

In a bowl, mix peanut butter with sifted icing sugar (or powdered erythritol) into a pliable paste. Then, keep it in the fridge to harden.

Step 2

Mix glutinous rice flour, icing sugar, and water in a pot.

Step 3

Warm the mixture over low heat. When it starts to thicken, cook it for 5 minutes, stirring it vigorously, until you have a smooth and stretchy dough.

Step 4

Transfer the mochi dough onto a worktop dusted with corn starch. Then, dust it with some starch to make it less sticky.

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Step 5

Pinch off a small handful of dough and shape it into a ball.

Step 6

Flatten one ball into a thick disc and brush off excess starch on both sides.

Step 7

Then, scoop a spoonful of cold peanut butter, roll it into a ball, and place it in the centre of the disc.

Step 8

Pull the edges of the dough towards the centre and over the filling, pinching them together at the top.

Step 9

Repeat for the other sides of the dough wrapper as you would do for a dumpling, pinching them at the top.

Step 10

Then, hold the mochi in your hand and keep pinching the dough together while you twist the mochi to make a tight ball.

Step 11

Finally, flip the mochi seam-side down and lightly press it into a dome shape.

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