Gluten-Free Blueberry Pancakes

If you're looking for a healthy twist on the same old recipe, try these gluten-free pancakes. They are made with buckwheat flour, ground oat, and almond milk, and topped with maple syrup and fresh berries. They make the ultimate mouthwatering brunch recipe that is also nutritious and low in calories.

Gluten-Free Blueberry Pancakes Recipe


Nutrition per serving
Net Carbs48.7 g17.7%
of which Sugars21.3 g23.6%
Fibers5.9 g21.2%
Fats7.9 g12.1%
of which Saturates2.1 g10.3%
of which Omega 30.2 g17.2%
Proteins13 g28.2%
Calcium296 mg29.6%
Vitamin A82 mcg11.7%
Vitamin C24 mg31.3%
Iron3.4 mg23.2%
Potassium422 mg12.1%
Sodium341 mg14.8%
Cholesterol186 mg62%
Kcal318 15.9%
Macro split
  • net carbs 65%
  • sugars 28%
  • fats 10%
  • saturates 3%
  • proteins 17%
  • fibers 8%
*RDA based on a 2000 kcal diet;
**Nutritional data sources: USDA, food labels.
318 per serving

When we think about the ultimate brunch recipe, we think about golden pancakes drizzled with maple syrup. So delicious!

To give a twist to the good old recipe, we came up with gluten-free buckwheat and oatmeal blueberry pancakes.

,If gluten-free wasn't awesome enough, we made them dairy-free too, by replacing plain milk with almond milk.

Both buckwheat and oat are nutritious gluten-free alternatives to standard white flour. In fact:

  • Buckwheat is higher in vitamins, minerals, and proteins compared to white flour.

  • Rolled oats are rich in cholesterol-lowering fibres and add a sweet, nutty flavour.

  • Both buckwheat and oat have a low glycemic index, meaning they provide a slow source of carbohydrates, helping you to feel satiated for longer.

Topped with maple syrup and fresh blueberries, our pancakes make a satisfying meal that is low in calories and low in fats. In fact, a generous portion only has 250 kcal and only 1 gram of saturated fats!

If you liked this recipe, try these red lentil pancakes, pandan pancakes, or vegan sourdough pancakes next. All healthy and delicious!

And to discover other ways to use buckwheat flour, check out these gluten-free buckwheat crackers and vegan lemonade scones!


Measuring System
Medium Eggs4
Salt1 pinch
Oat Flour80 g
Buckwheat Flour80 g
Baking Powder11/2 tsp
Vanilla Extract1 tsp
Almond Milk180 mL
Blueberries200 g
Maple Syrup80 g
Strawberries100 g
Soy Yogurt120 g
Bee Pollen (optional) to taste

Step 1

First, separate the eggs placing the whites in a bowl and the yolks in another bowl.

With the help of a hand whisker whip the egg whites with salt until they are fluffy and have firm peaks (1).

In another bowl, whisk the egg yolks and add oat flour, buckwheat flour, baking powder, vanilla extract, and almond milk (2).

Mix well to incorporate all the ingredients.

Whipped egg whites
Oat flour, egg yolks, and baking powder mixed

Step 2

Fold the whipped egg whites into the prepared batter.

Incorporate the eggs with a gentle circular motion to keep the pancake mixture airy and fluffy.

Pancake batter mixed with whipped egg whites

Step 3

Now, heat a non-stick pan over medium heat and pour one ladle of the buckwheat pancake mix.

If needed, shake the pan to ensure the pancake has a round shape.

Then, sprinkle the uncooked side with blueberries and cook for 2 minutes or until you see tiny bubbles in the batter (1).

Loosen the edges with the help of a spatula and flip the pancake. Cook it for further 2 minutes or until both side are golden brown (2).

Repeat the steps above until you have used all the batter.

Pancake with blueberries cooking in a pan
Cooked and flipped pancake

Step 4

For each portion, stack three pancakes and drizzle with maple syrup.

Garnish with fresh strawberries, blueberries, and bee pollen.

Serve your delicious buckwheat pancakes with soy yogurt.

Stacked oatmeal pancakes with blueberries and strawberries


  • To check if the whipped egg whites have the right consistency, tilt the bowl and if they stay put and firm, they are ready to use.

  • For vegan and egg-free pancakes, replace each egg with 1 tbsp of chia seeds (soaked in 3 tbsp of water) and 10g of coconut oil/vegetable oil.

  • If you can't get buckwheat flour, replace it with oat flour in the same amount. Also, as alternative gluten-free flours, you can use almond or coconut flour.